The 6th Lancet-CMAS Health Conference

Prof Emily Chan, Prof Kevin Hung, Mr C S Wong and Mr Zhe Huang of the CCOUC team participated in the two-day event of the 6th Lancet-CAMS Health Conference held virtually by Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) and The Lancet from Beijing on 24-25 November 2020. This multidisciplinary event aims at facilitating important global discussions about research experiences for the current global fight against COVID-19.

This annual conference brought together top medical experts and researchers in China and around the world to share their researches and experiences related to COVID-19, so as to strengthen the global communication and collaboration to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. It provided an opportunity for the world to learn from the successful containment of this coronavirus by Chinese doctors and scientists. More than 13,000 participants joined the conference covering themes like public health interventions for COVID-19 control, non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 in China, herd immunity by vaccination, epidemiology of coronaviruses, long-term health consequences of COVID-19, development of COVID-19 vaccines.

Keynote speakers included:

Prof Jeffrey Sachs, Chair of The Lancet COVID-19 Commission highlighted the focuses of the newly formed commission: ending the pandemic, humanitarian consequences of COVID-19, resilient society through recovery, government debt of developing countries, and environmental protection and climate change.
