19th IRDR Scientific Committee Meeting in Beijing

The 19th Scientific Committee Meeting of Integrated Research on Disaster Reduction (IRDR) was held in Beijing during 15-16 Apr 2018. The meeting had a special focus on consolidating Integrated Research on Disaster Reduction (IRDR) Strategic Plan of Action 2018-2020. The meeting has also reviewed existing IRDR working groups and approved the new IRDR working group proposals. CCOUC’s Ms. Gloria Chan and Mr. Sida Liu were invited to attend the meeting. During the meeting, Ms. Chan presented the progress of CCOUC’s work during the last year on its contributions in publications and the IRDR young scientist programme.

The meeting allowed all scientific committee members, ex-official members, national committees and International Centres of Excellence (ICoEs) to discuss how to enable a broader, more interactive, crosscutting and productive work within IRDR through the scientific publications, capacity building opportunities and collective contribution toward the synthesis report of Sendai Framework Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR).